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Clik here to view.I wrote a book to support the process of healing.
It is the culmination of 2½ years blogging, the last 8 years caregiving for someone with chronic illness, and my 20+ year career creating intentional change in complex situations.
It’s available today (and until May 9th), exclusively through the Paleo Family Toolkit.
(To find out more about all the other amazing items available through the toolkit, click on through or read more below).
Helping a Loved-one Heal
My new book is called Helping a Loved-one Heal: N=1 experimentation and paleo healing protocols for caregivers.
It’s designed to provide caregivers with the most effective new methods to support healing for the people they love, but it can also be used by people who want to heal themselves.
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Clik here to view.It’s the book I wish I’d had before I got so much hands-on experience!
My book:
- Outlines the various Paleo Healing Protocols and explains how to customize them;
- Explores ways to start a healing protocol, including when someone is reluctant to begin;
- Shares stories about what real-life healing looks like;
- Devotes a section of the book to the change process, with practical information about traditional and innovative ways of understanding and implementing change;
- Gives clear instructions for safely engaging in customized experimentation to improve health based on personal responses to interventions;
- Explains the role of measurement in the healing process, with instructions for easy approaches that can be implemented right away;
- Delves deeply into strategies for coping as a caregiver; and
- Provides tools and links to support all aspects of helping a loved-one heal.
In this book I provide a template, not only for getting through the experience of caregiving but for becoming stronger in the process.
The Paleo Family Toolkit
The Paleo Family Toolkit is a bundle of resources featuring 42 e-books and programs; 12 exclusive video interviews with leaders from the Paleo community including Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson, Danielle Walker, and Liz Wolfe; plus 55 discount codes and bonus resources.
The toolkit comes with a memory stick (shipped worldwide) so you have everything in one place.
I wrote my book for the love, but I also get $18 for every toolkit sold though this page, so it’s a win-win!
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